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Benefit from taking a full 50 multiple choice question test that like the actual exam has a 60 minute time limit
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Discover how you performed relative to your peers and learn what you know versus what needs further review
See averages below!
Edsyn's California Practice Exam Average Score: 74%*
Edsyn's Florida Practice Exam Average Score: 75.3%*
See what customers have said
"I didn’t pass the exam on my first attempt by studying myself. After using the EdSyn practice exam, my next attempt was passed with ease. Definitely a good investment."
- John
"It really helped me enter the test prepared."
- Ashley
"I was able to put myself in the right mindset to attack the exam in an efficient manner."
- Mark
Risks of NOT taking a practice test
Lost Time
If you fail the actual exam you have to wait in order to be authorized to take the test again at a testing site
Decreased Confidence
Not knowing what you know versus what you do not know can cause uncertainty going into the test
Lost Money

The goal is to take this exam only once. This saves in testing fees as well as gets you to your job faster
We want to help you reduce these risks
Prepare Efficiently
Quickly discover areas of strength and those that need further improvement
Prepare Confidently
By taking a 50 multiple choice question practice exam in a 60 minute time limit you are simulating the format you will encounter for the actual law exam
Join the over 750 customers who have prepared with these practice tests
Why Edsyn?
At Edsyn we know you want to efficiently and thoroughly prepare for the physical therapy law exam. In order to do that you need a way to assess your knowledge...​
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The problem is there really are not many resources out there, which makes you feel uncertain if you will have done what is needed to prepare. We believe that when preparing for an exam that if failed can prevent you from supporting your livelihood, there needs to be a way of assessing your readiness. We understand time and money are valuable and so increasing the chances of passing on the first attempt are important. That’s why we have created practice law exams for both California and Florida. Over 750 combined users have utilized these resources with many reporting a great benefit. Here’s how it works: Step 1) Pick and purchase the test for the state that you are taking the test in. Step 2) Take the test. Step 3) Compare your score to the average of our users and review your exam. Use this resource so you can stop preparing with uncertainty and start preparing with guidance and confidence as you progress towards taking and passing the law exam.
*Scoring the average or higher does not guarantee passing the actual exam.